An action packed linear level, designed using Unreal Engine 4, and built to a playable state in Far Cry 5 editor.
Project: Ice Blast
I wanted to build a large action level with a discernible 'start, middle, and end' structure through to a playable state in Far Cry 5, with the goal being to push my design and project management skills, improve my processes and design with broader pacing in mind. I worked on this project around my day job, starting in August 2023 and completing in Dec 2023. It's by far the biggest level design project I've worked on to date.
The prototype level turned out at around 45 minutes play length and is split into 9 areas. The final level features a variety of combat encounters, puzzle challenges, traversal obstacles, a unique world event, and a boss fight. The level is built around the Far Cry 5 game mode 'Bounty Hunt'. The objective being to eliminate specific enemy targets and then escape to an extraction point.
I chose to create a linear level design because I wanted to have direct control over the sequence of events the player encounters so I could construct an implied story around it, and gain experience in sculpting broader level pacing.​
Project Goals
Gain experience developing a large playable prototype level.
Conduct play tester sessions and utilise the feedback to fix issues and improve the design.
Develop and demonstrate core level design skills and problem solving.
Push myself to manage a larger project.
Tools Used
Pen & Paper - Adobe Illustrator - Trello
Unreal Engine 4 for blockmeshing
Far Cry 5 Editor to construct the playable build
Final Design
Here you can quickly select an individual area of the level to check out in more detail. Each level area features playthrough footage, design highlights, and key developments. You can also take a look at the Final Level Pacing Chart to understand how the broader level fits together.
Project Development
Here you will find an overview of my whole process and outlines of how the level changed through various stages.
Project Conclusion
Project reflections and learning outcomes.
Take Me To The Good Stuff
Blockmesh Gallery
Full Walkthrough of my level design before the playable build began. Includes annotated imagery and lots of design intent covered.
The Generator Area
This is a pivotal moment in the level's pacing and contains a mix of puzzle and combat design.
Level Area Select
Chose an area to see the playthrough video and find out more about the design and development behind it. Also check out the Pacing Chart to understand the broader design.
Areas Map

Area Select

1. Mountain Trail
You're given orders to take out the cornered enemy leaders called The Twins. Begin your journey towards the distant ruins.

2. Frozen Pool
3. Generator Area
Discover a hidden entrance into the ruins by swimming under the ice.
Searching for a key results in a fire breaking out, enemies arrive to investigate.

4. Utility Tunnels
Encounter a Flamethrower equipped enemy in claustrophobic tunnels.

5. Fuel Store
Blast a wall open without blowing yourself up too.

6. Fire Fight Tower
Ascend a building fighting through enemies while a fiery inferno climbs close behind.

7. Ruin Ascent
The coast looks clear, zipline in and suddenly you're pinned down by gunfire, fight your way towards the ruins and once inside find a way up.

8. Ruins Rooftop
The Twins are cornered and the final showdown begins.

9. Escape Route
The exit is in sight, you're close but heavy enemy reinforcements arrive, blow them to bits with a newly acquired weapon.
Pacing Chart
This shows the level's final state. I made it out of curiosity and to help others understand my level's structure. I'd seen similar charts in level design articles and books so thought it would be interesting to create one for this project.
It turned out to be a pretty good exercise in breaking down the more abstract level design experiences into their own categories.
This PDF is super wide, use the scroll bar at the bottom of the viewer or middle click to see the rest.
Level Area 1
Level Start, find a way into the ruins.
Area Context
You have tracked an enemy force back to an abandoned Communication Station in a mountainous region. You have been given the order to eliminate the high value enemies 'The Twins', who have taken refuge in the station's ruins. Find a way into the ruins and take them out before they find a way to escape.
Final Playthrough Footage
This video begins at the Level Start and finishes just before 'Frozen Pool' Area 2.
Area Design Intent
Create the experience of journeying towards the ruins, establish location, build curiosity seeing distant buildings
Player starts with no equipment, offer a few weapon opportunities + supplies
Let players get familiarised with basic controls in low threat situations
Introduce the presence of enemies
Provide some stealthy takedown opportunities to reinforce the early covert theme
Exploration and traversal across rugged terrain
Map Summary
The player starts in the Ravine with basic traversal obstacles to warm them up, they arrive at 'Rocky Clearing A' where they encounter their first low rank enemy. Then they enter 'Rocky Clearing B' which features a teaser view into a future area and a hidden platforming path leading to a cave entrance. The 'Cave' offers the player a bonus melee weapon pickup and acts as a way to contrast the towering ruins when the player exits the cave.
Design Intent
Starting location
Narrative delivery opportunity
Simple traversal obstacles to get used to controls
Enemy free so player can take their time
Narrative Dialogue
To set the narrative context for the level I read out a script to play testers explaining what happened leading up to the character's current situation and what their mission is now. The script read is '1. Level Start - Entry Forest' in the PDF to the right.
Narrative Scripts
Pinch Point Vista

I moved the starting location so that player reaches a pinch point between some boulders framing the Ruins in the distance before dropping down into the ravine. I wanted the player to notice the huge Radome (white orb) straight away, this acts as a navigation landmark throughout the level. I used the environment to breakup and obscure the view of the Ruins to make it difficult to judge it's true size to create curiosity.
I visually linked the start and end of the level for a looping level design, whereas my original 2D layout had the player start inside a Ravine with no surrounding views.
Playable Build
The level's final area 'Escape Route' was redesigned, I talk about this in the section dedicated to it. The level start/end now features a bridge, which the player passes under at the start of the level and passes over to finish the level. I did this simply because I thought it was a cool way for the player to end the level, being back where you started felt like it tied everything up giving a sense of completion.
Rocky Clearing A
Design Intent
Introduce player to a low threat enemy
Give player a vantage point entry
Provide cover for a stealth takedown
One-way gate to lock player into area
Vantage Point Entry

I have the player enter the area from a high vantage point, allowing them to plan out their next moves safely. A low threat enemy offers the player a stealth takedown opportunity, rewards the player with a pistol, and puts the player on alert for more enemies in future areas.
This entry point also acts as a 1-way-gate to stop the player backtracking needlessly if they become lost in Area B.

I used the rocky surroundings to frame the distant Radome structure letting the player know they're getting closer and which direction they generally want to be moving.
Playable Build
I used a rock face to create a hiding spot for the player to use once they drop down from the entry ledge, the rock face also acts as an obstacle to climb over, briefly exposing the player and risking detection if the player goes for a stealth takedown.
Rocky Clearing B
Design Intent
Bait and Switch - I wanted the player to think the 'Platform Gate' is the way forward, but it turns out to be a dead end, from the platform overlooking the area a hidden route across the rocks is discovered
Low threat enemy encounter, sightlines obscured by boulders, multiple path approach to allows player to flank the enemy
View into a future area, powerful weapon on display
Area Entry

I made the players entry view frame the partially obstructed view of the platform structure, my aim was to get the player to think 'that's the way forward'. A large boulder in the center blocks the players view, and here I plan to hide an enemy, who will either surprise the player or if the player approaches carefully, they can flank the enemy for a satisfying takedown.
Playable Build
It's fundamentally the same as the blockmesh. I created a stronger sightline towards the platform structure, and have the enemy npc enter the area via the stairs, giving the player an opportunity to spot them before they hide behind the central boulder mass.